Reshuffle Datastore

The Reshuffle Datastore is a simple mechanism for managing state in services and event handlers. It provides a simple key-value inteface and supports multiple backends for data storage.

Datastore is used by different services to track state in systems they connect to. For example, the Twitter API offers a stream of tweets generated by users. The Twitter service uses datastore to track its last read position in the stream, so as to avoid generating duplicate events for new tweets. Another example is the AWS S3 service, which uses datastore to track the contents of various S3 buckets, so that it can fire events when objects are added or removed from them.

Configuring Datastore

By default Reshuffle come with a in memory datastore (easy to use for dev and test, but not very persistent). You can set a file or a database persistent adapter like this:

const { Pool } = require('pg')
const pool = new Pool()
const persistentStore = new SQLStoreAdapter(pool, 'reshuffledb')

Accessing the Datastore

After you set a persistent store, you can access it from any connector using the app.getPersistentStore() method, or in the event handle logic using the app.getPersistentStore() method.

A code example of how to use the store can be found here.

Remember, if no store adapter in set, the default in-memory implementation is used.

Using Datastore

Datastore provides a simple key-value interface, with a few additions that make it possible to share data between servers. The following methods are supported:

  • get Retrieve a value for a specific key
  • set Set the value for a specific key
  • update Atomicalliy rean-modify-write a single key
  • remove Delete a key from the datastore
  • list List all keys

Datastore keys are simple JavaScript strings. You can read more about key naming guidelines below. Datastore values can be any JSON-serializable JavaScript values, and cannot be undefined.

Following is a detailed description of datastore methods:

Get method


datastore.get(key: string) => any|undefined


const myValue = datastore.get('myKey')

Retrieve a single value from the datastore. If key does not exist in the datastore, then get returns undefined.

Set method


datastore.set(key: string, value: any) => any


const myValue = datastore.get('myKey', 'myValue')

Set a single value in the datastore. value must be JSON-serializable and cannot be undefined. For convenience, set returns the same value it stores to allow chaining.

Note that if you wish to read, modify and write back a value to the datastore, you should be using update instead of the combination of get and set. Using this combination is not atomic, and my result in unexpected behavior in cases Reshuffle is scaled to multiple servers.

Update method


type Updater = (currentValue: any|undefined) => any|undefined
datastore.update(key: string, updater: Updater) => any


const [OldCount, newCount] = datastore.update(
  (currentValue) => currentValue + 1,

Atomically update one value in the datastore. Instead of receiving the value directly (like set does), update uses an updater method to calculate the new value from the current value.

The updater function receives a single argument with the current value associated with key. If the key does not exist in the datastore, the updater is passed the value of undefined. The function then calculates and returns the new value for the key. If no change is desired, the function should return undefined.

This function can safely be used to read-modify-write values in the datastore. Behind the scenes it uses locks and transactions to assure consistency, even if called simultaneously by multiple Reshuffle servers. For example, if the counter above is updated by two servers at the same time, update gurantees that its value will increase by two (which is not guaranteed if using get followed by a set).

The updater fucntion is allowed to perform IO operations, like accessing remote APIs, while calculating the new value. Note that the datastore will lock access to the key while the updater is running, so all other operations on the key will block unil it is finished. Do not use overly lengthy operations like invoking event handlers from inside the updater function.

Remove method


datastore.remove(key: string) => void



Delete key from the datastore.

List method


datastore.list() => string[]


for (const key of datastore.list()) {

List all keys in the datastore.